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my process...

I have deep respect and reverence for the Trees that provide the frames and for the Animals who provide the hides for the Drums and Rattles. I am always collecting sticks when I walk the parks and paddle the reservoirs. Nature always provides me with great treasures and I revel in discovering the gifts She leaves for me. Working with the Trees and Animals while making the Drums is a way of life for me. They speak to me and guide me in my work. Sometimes it is is downright hilarious.

One time I had a Moose hide and it only wanted to be on Red Oak frames, while another Moose hide wanted to experience all of the trees! Really??!!? Yes, really. And there was a Red Oak Tree Trunk Drum that wanted Horse hide. I didn’t have the right thickness of Horse for that drum. It so happened that my supplier was fresh out of Horse hide. So I waited...a whole year the Drum and I waited until the Horse hide was back in stock and I could cut a piece with the thickness it needed. And so that is how it works. An idea of a Drum is conceived and then there is a discussion as to how to create it and who and what is going to be involved. There is no pattern except one. And that pattern is for me is to be still and listen; then do it. Adventure ensues! Sometimes I have the piece of wood or the frame I need. Other times I have to go looking for it. It always amazes me how things magically appear when I need them.

Please be aware when ordering Drums and Rattles that these are wild animals and will not be uniform in thickness or perfect in looks. There will be scarring, cut marks, and occasionally a hole near the edge of the round. Consider any tiny flaws as the spirit and story of that particular animal, this is their spirit voice speaking once again.