I always get a lot of questions about Tobacco Ceremonies and what they entail. If I were to give a few words about Tobacco and the ceremonies I hold, it would be these…

Tobacco is powerful medicine!

When honored and used respectfully, it is by far one of the most potent Healers.

It heals by bringing us into balance where we can then wield our personal medicine in creating new realities for ourselves, others, and Gaia. When smoky prayers of gratitude are smoked our mind shifts. When our mind shifts from gratitude it brings clarity. When we have clarity we can view things from a new perspective. When we can view things from a new perspective we can take skillful action to do the things we need to do. When we blow Tobacco smoke on our hurt or sick bodies physical healing starts to take place. When we smoke our hearts to Spirit our emotional body starts to heal. When we smoke our soul to Spirit everything shifts and a new reality is in the making. This is why some say Tobacco is the most powerful medicine on the planet.

So what happens during a Tobacco Ceremony?

Every Ceremony is different depending on the individual’s needs. But it goes something like this…We start with a conversation and end with a plan. Then a Tobacco Ceremony is performed with one of my sacred Pipes; usually the Ouroboros Power Pipe. It includes smoke blowing, smoky prayers, and healing songs specific for the recipient. Afterwards there is a follow up conversation as well as time for questions and answers.

Remote or in person sessions are available

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