My name is Kyah...

I’ve worn many hats in this lifetime. I’ve been a Linguist, an Alphabet Maker, and an Anthropologist. I’ve been a FART (Field Audio Recording Technician; couldn’t resist!), an English Teacher, and a Language/Culture Preservationist. I’ve been a Coffee Roaster, a Business Owner, and a Clown and a Mime (for real). I am a Yin Yoga Instructor, an Energy Worker, a Thai Body Worker...a Ceremonialist, a Dreamer, a Pipe Carrier and a Shamanic Practitioner. I have worn many other hats and will wear many other hats in the future, I am sure.

However, these are just labels for things I have done and roles I have played. They aren’t necessarily Me. The Me that you might want to know about likes to laugh, has a good sense of humor, has deep respect for all people and all things. I am curious. I like to explore and I still like to play in the dirt. I am forever a student...not so much from book learning, but from life experience as well as from conversations and stories from people I have met. I have traveled a fair amount and have experienced many cultures. I have always been attracted to how music, especially drums, singing and storytelling play such an important role in cultures. I always find it interesting and amusing how every experience has been a training ground for my life’s work. For me, there is a higher purpose behind everything. Truly, even in my wildest dreams I never would have expected to be a Drum Maker. I invite you to explore and experience my Drums, Rattles and Events